Natural Family Online sponsors several free discussion groups to better serve our visitors. You’re welcome to view and join one or all that we have to offer.
Natural Family Living Group
For any family wishing to be a little more natural and/or healthy! Find others for support and friendship, or help others find their way more naturally. Join the group here.
This group is intended for those with children at home, grandchildren, or young adult children. We designated a separate group for those wishing to bypass child talk IF they prefer it that way. If you would like to join the natural home group, we welcome you there too!
Some kids will eat their hearts out and others won’t touch anything at all. We discuss the best, non-processed nutrition in a way that all families can find useful. We discuss cooking and recipes and even some vegetarian food ideas. We also have lots of fun discussing raisons all over the living room (which, by the way, can be fatal to dogs when ingested). Stop by kids' nutrition and even our adult nutrition areas here at NFO!
We'l even discuss stress, burnout and your natural soul!
Natural Home & Garden
We cover everything on NFO from green weddings to organic paint! We've got ideas on the best natural pest control, finding a favorite bar of soap, supporting the natural cleanser industry, and more! Also included are articles and discussions on natural beauty and natural pet care. We’d love to hear from you on what these things and others mean to your family. We're all about natural living and how you can use it in your own lives and families.
Cloth Diapering and Infant Potty Learning
Natural Family Online covers cloth diapering and potty learning too, but we personalize it by helping you locate the best diapers at the best prices or by trading with other parents. We talk about the pros and cons and the best diapers available to parents. We discuss rashes and sore bottoms, night waking from wet diapers, and wool or fleece soakers or any aspect of early infant or toddler potty learning and elimination communication.
Pregnany & Postpartum
Are you pregnant now for the first time, trying to conceive or have already had a baby and pregnant again? Maybe you've just had the baby in the last few weeks and months, are suffering a raging case of hormones or PMS, or you're finding your way around natural family planning. Or at the other end of the spectrum, you've already begun menopause. Whichever stage of fertility and menopause or pregnancy and postpartum you're in, we'd love to chat!
Attachment parenting for the older child
Are AP groups and ideas a thing of the past now that your little ones are big kids (or even – gasp! -- teenagers) and you’re no longer breastfeeding and diapering? Are you an attachment parenting graduate (or drop-out)? Attachment parenting is not just for babies – and you don’t have to stop as your kids grow older!
Extended Breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Multiple Children
It's sometimes the easiest thing to do between a mom and a baby, and sometimes it's the hardest thing mommy can think of. And what about the community and family members who just won't leave well enough alone and swear you have a screw loose because you're trying extended breastfeeding? We're here to talk! Stop by NFO's breastfeeding channel for some great ideas too.
Mommy and daddy burnout
Everyone gets to the point where they want to curl up in the fetal position, whether it’s from work and life stress, parenting stress, finances or that messy house! We have some tricks here at Natural Family Online for parenting stress and natural soul healing.
Multiple attachment parented children
Attachment parenting seems easier when you have just one baby in a sling or on your breast. But when you have multiple babies or several children of different age ranges, it can get a little nerve wracking. Just how do you give each of them what they need or what the first one had? We discuss some ideas for parents with multiples or more than one child, and we offer support for those who feel they just aren’t doing enough. (You really ARE!)
Sibling rivalry
Kin to “gentle discipline” below, and multiple attachment parented children above; we feel for you.
Gentle discipline
When “because I said so” just isn’t working, what do you do now? You really don’t want to spank, but you’re at your wits end. As you begin to yell or feel your blood pressure rising, take a few minutes to read through what others just like you are going through with their kids. We’ve got a sturdy shoulder to lean on and some nice gentle discipline ideas.
Natural Parenting – Positive Parenting
Just like the AP catch phrase, we discuss the topics that fall under “natural parenting” or “positive parenting” here at Natural Family Online.
Health and Wellness – Children’s Health
We cover mainstream and natural family news, ideas and debates about children’s health, whole family and women’s health and wellness. We would love to hear your ideas on vaccinations, circumcision, holistic treatments, today’s diseases and disorders, etc..
Natural Family Living
We cover everything on NFO from green weddings to organic paint! We’d love to hear from you on what these things and others mean to your family. We're all about natural living and how you can use it in your own lives and families. Also included are articles and discussions on natural beauty and natural pet care.
Entertaining and Holidays & Do-it-Yourself
Are you looking for an ecological or interesting idea for entertaining guests or celebrating holidays? We'd especially love to hear your do-it-yourself ideas!