Why You Should Go No ‘Poo
Almost three months ago, I was introduced to the idea of no longer using shampoo. I was intrigued. After looking into it somewhat, I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. So I picked up some baking soda and apple cider vinegar and then took the plunge. I love the results! There was an adjustment period where I had to play around with the measurements a bit but I finally got the hang of it. I have straight-as-a-board, baby-fine hair that has never held a “do.” After “no ‘poo,” I don’t even have to use styling products. I just blow dry and go; my hair now keeps any style. It’s awesome!
Soapmaking For Fun
You see these people at fairs of all sorts: smiling, hopeful people with handcrafted wares to sell. I remember a Christmas fair in Crockett, Texas. The whole downtown (don’t blink, or you’ll miss it) was solid with crafters. Beautiful, stay-on-the-shelf bears in moiré satin, toilet paper dispensers that took the shape of wide-mouthed frogs, and the thing my husband shoved money in my hand for and said, “Just keep walking straight and you’ll know”: a cake stand in the shape of strawberry shortcake. I didn’t make a buck that day, but I made my mind up not to get discouraged.
A Cure for What Oils You
Once you have an idea what you want to do with your soaps, you can get even more creative. Make a batch of soap; divide it into two or more sub-batches. Add complementary colors and/or scents to each. Pour them in the same mold, then swirl! Or make some opaque soap and some transparent soap. Cut the transparent soap into small cubes and add them to the opaque soap. Once you get the hang of soapmaking, you can have tremendous fun. If you get to be like me (heaven forbid!), you’ll have a stash of soaps on hand, ready to mix and match or toss in a gift basket. It’s gratifying to know what is in the shampoo or body soap you’re using, because you made it.
The Nuts and Bolts of Soapmaking
All soapmaking starts out the same: an alkali mixed with water and a base, which results in a salt. But once the two are mixed, where you go after that is up to you. See my previous article for an introduction to basic ingredients and recipes.
Do-it-Yourself Natural Beauty Homemade Gifts
I must say that I cannot stand to go to the mall during the holiday season -- the parking, the crowds, the prices ... So I like to make and have on hand a selection of quick and easy natural gifts I can give for whatever occasion comes up. And with adult supervision, I think it is fair to say that these projects can be made safely with children, too.
How to Make Lip Balm - Natural Lip Balm
Make your own natural lip balm in any shade you desire from pink to red.
Make Your Own Bubble Bath
Wouldn't it be nice to relax into a bubble bath that you'd created? Indulge yourself and make your own bubble bath that's simple and fun. It can make wonderful gifts for friends and loved ones for the holidays or other special occasions.
Foaming Chocolate Milk Bath Sachets
Enjoy a relaxing, aromatic moment to yourself.
How Do I Avoid All This Glop in My Skin Care Products?
Imagine paying money for a so-called “beauty product” that when applied regularly increases your risk of developing cancer. Sound crazy? According to recent reports, some scientists believe this is exactly what millions of people innocently do every day.
Making Cloth Diapers
Cloth diapers are more economical in the long run, but the initial investment can be a real obstacle for some families. Here are a few tips on getting started without breaking the bank.
Making Cloth Wipes
So you'd like to use cloth wipes? You could buy them, but why not make them yourself out of that stack of 425 receiving blankets you got at the baby shower?
Homemade Luxury Bath Products
If you like the beautiful designer bath products you see in the trendy department stores but you don't want to fork out the big bucks for them, then why not try making your own?
Make your own Toothpaste
10 Uses For Essential Oils In Your Home
When guests first enter your home, the first thing that greets them is the aroma. Essential oils may often be used to create a homely atmosphere within the home.