Got Stress? Go Gardening!
In its purest form, gardening is about connecting with the earth and resetting our clocks to the simple, natural rhythms of life. Try as we may, we can't really speed up a tomato plant and make it grow by our timetable. We must adapt, and in doing so, gardening offers us a gentle reminder about what's really important in life: food, water, warmth, a bit of loving attention and some room to grow.
Get more Time, Energy and Money!
Time, energy and money are chronically lacking in parents’ lives. They are too tired because their children keep them up at night, they are strapped for time between juggling work and family, and they spend all their resources on their kids, the house, the car and the mortgage. Everybody has a dream. Whether you know it or not, at one time you dreamed all the time. As children grow, their imaginations grow with them. Then they become adults, and the reality of the world sets in. Have you forgotten how to dream? Do you feel as if you have no time to breath, much less make your dreams reality?
Using Flower Essences for Emotional Well-being
Flower essence therapy is similar to homeopathy in important ways. It works on a non-physical level to help resolve, not suppress, issues that affect your health. What are the issues specific to you that are affecting you the most right now?
Create a Peaceful Home Sanctuary
We must find a way to create a place that is comfortable and peaceful where we can relax. We need to make a peaceful place in our lives and the lives of our children where everyone can feel calm and connected. Our homes can be that place -- a haven of peace for our families. It is the attitude and the conscious choices the members of a family bring to a home that actively make it peaceful.
Meditation on the Move
Simply put, walking meditation is meditating while in motion. It might be a good option if you have a hard time staying focused, tend to get antsy from sitting still or have little ones who like to keep on the move.
Make Your Own Bubble Bath
Wouldn't it be nice to relax into a bubble bath that you'd created? Indulge yourself and make your own bubble bath that's simple and fun. It can make wonderful gifts for friends and loved ones for the holidays or other special occasions.
Foaming Chocolate Milk Bath Sachets
Enjoy a relaxing, aromatic moment to yourself.
Simple Feng Shui: Eight Quick Ways to Redecorate for Your Spirit
The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui is making a comeback in the modern world. But is it really possible to change your attitude just by rearranging your living space?