Pregnancy and Your Fitness
Physical fitness and strength levels may decline in pregnant women. Compared to pre-pregnancy levels, a study finds that fitness and strength are lower at six weeks postpartum. However, fitness and strength begin to improve by 27 weeks postpartum.
The Facts on Exercise and Pregnancy
There are many benefits for women who wish to exercise through their pregnancy. Exercise can: Increase energy levels; Help prevent feelings of discomfort, clumsiness, and unattractiveness; Improve circulation, reduce swelling and formation of varicose veins in the lower legs; Help tone muscles allowing the body to return to its pre-pregnancy state much faster; Improve posture, help create fewer backaches.
What NOT to Eat When You’re Pregnant
Many women have questions about the types of food that are safe to eat during pregnancy, but it's easier to discuss the types of foods you should avoid during pregnancy because they may be harmful to you or your developing baby.
Meditating Mamas
If we want to enjoy our daily lives, it is exceptionally helpful to slow down for part of the day and focus on your breath. Research has shown that periods of meditation — of focusing on your breath — helps us transcend worries, lowers our anxiety, diminishes depression and increases clarity. Meditation balances our moods and enhances our ability to connect fully with who we are.
Keep Your Cool This Summer
When the heat is on, life can become very hard when you are pregnant. Instead of looking forward to those long, hot August days, you may find yourself dreaming of igloos and frozen ice-caps, so try out these tricks to help you keep your cool when the temperature rises.
5 Tips to Control Weight Gain for Moms-to-Be
So you need to gain weight but don't want to gain too much weight during your pregnancy, right? There are many things that you can do to improve your diet and ensure that you gain a minimal but healthy amount of weight during pregnancy. Choosing the right foods is important because you will be able to lose weight more quickly after delivery if you manage your diet during pregnancy. So here is what you need to do during pregnancy to ensure weight loss success afterwards.
What is a '"green" prenatal vitamin?
If you go to the health food store and compare multi-vitamins, you'll see two kinds. One is your standard vitamin, like prescription prenatals or other over-the-counter varieties like Centrum brand, which is made from the individual chemical ingredients (retinal palmitate, ascorbic acid and so on). Then you have another type that is actual dried foods/herbs containing those vitamins/minerals. The theory is that bodies are made to absorb nutrients from foods, so the nutrients in food form are better. I don’t personally adhere to this line of thinking. Your body is going to absorb the Vitamin C it needs and dump the rest, whether it come from in a pill or a pitcher of orange juice.
Pregnancy, Diabetes and Your Feet
In most circumstances, this flattening and widening of the foot is benign, and no problems result. In the diabetic, this change in foot size is important to recognize. Despite the increase in foot size, many moms continue to wear the same size shoes. As a diabetic, properly fitting shoes are of utmost importance. Increased pressure on the foot can cause areas of rub or irritation and potentially result in ulceration. Once there is an ulceration, one is at risk for infection, delayed healing and further diabetic foot complications.
Prenatal Yoga: More Than Relaxation
Prenatal yoga helps you during birth but even moreso before and after birth. During pregnancy, the breathing and body awareness help you stay connected to your changing body. The gentle stretches and poses develop strength and readiness for giving birth as well as improving your current physical health. Finally, the relaxation is so needed in our harried and stressful world.
Can You Color Your Hair While You’re Pregnant?
You’re three months pregnant, and you haven’t been to the salon since you saw the double pink line. You have two-inch dark roots and you are desperate to freshen up your look. But is it safe to color your hair while pregnant?
I just found out that I am pregnant. Can I still practice yoga during my pregnancy?
Yoga is an excellent exercise option in pregnancy. Prenatal yoga classes focus on stretching and strengthening muscles that will be used in labor and delivery, alleviating common pregnancy discomforts and teaching proper breathing and relaxation techniques.
Nine Homeopathic Months: Pregnancy
With the changes your body will go through over the next several months, homeopathy is a gentle and effective means of supporting a healthy pregnancy. Herbal and nutritional protocols may be used, in addition.
Herbal Allies for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is a special time, one that brings joys and pains. Many minor but distressing health complaints can accompany pregnancy....
Smoking and pregnancy - Is It Ok to Smoke When You’re Pregnant?
Since a mother and her fetus have connected blood systems, cancer-causing chemicals such as tobacco can pass through the placenta, the tissue and blood vessels that nourish your baby. As a result, it can then travel through the umbilical cord and into the body of your developing baby.

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Pregnancy Nutrition
Pregnancy Nutrition Starts Before Conception!
I need to eat more protein because I have protein in my urine.
Levels of calcium and magnesium recommended for pregnancy
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Nine Homeopathic Months: Pregnancy
Herbal Allies for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Complications - Pregnancy Problems
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Good Grandparenting begins at birth
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Pregnancy Homeopathy
Nine Homeopathic Months: Pregnancy
Herbal Allies for Pregnant Women
Herbal Allies for Pregnancy Problems
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