Essential Art Supplies for Creative Kids
Creativity brings joy to life. Stimulate kids' imaginations by having these inexpensive supplies on hand.
Fresh Ways to Have Fun Outside
Are you looking for fresh ways to spend time with your friends and family? Outdoor activities getting a little boring, are they? With your fast-paced life gaining speed all the time, it’s easy to stick to what’s familiar — but is that any way to live? Let’s take a few minutes and look at how easy it is to break out of the same-ole-routine and into the new with wholesome activities near home and out of doors. Read on to see why it’s tough to beat having fun with friends and family outdoors in the fresh air.
Old-fashioned Ways To Inspire Your Kids
Walk through any toy store and you will see walls and walls of toys that are loud — toys that require batteries, have flashing lights or look like your child's favorite movie character. But what about those of us who want to raise children with imagination and curiosity? I'll tell you what we do. We choose to fill our houses with some of the following old-fashioned items.
Frugal Family Fun
Here are some frugal entertainment ideas for the whole family. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep your eyes and ears open and you will find many more opportunities to have fun with your family without spending a lot of money.
Home Sweet School
What all these families have in common, claims Stevens’ book, is this: a commitment to the sanctity of childhood and the primary position of the family in children’s lives. Homeschooling allows parents to raise their children in what many believe to be a more natural, nurturing environment than the pressure cooker of today’s public and private schools.
How to Homeschool Your Child
You are beginning a beautiful journey with your children, one that will create memory after memory of first-time experiences and snapshot moments … an experience I believe will create well adjusted people with a passion for learning and thinking and a strong sense of family and spiritual beliefs.
Building the Unschooling or Homeschooling Village
Unschooling is so different for every family. The advantage of unschooling is that the child enjoys opportunities to learn naturally throughout the day.
Help! I want to homeschool, but I do not feel qualified to teach my children.
Some parents may feel insecure or unqualified to teach their children; however, parents really do make the best teachers, especially for younger children! Real learning does not take place when children are presented with facts and lists to memorize but when learning is integrated into daily life by loving and caring people.
How can I make sure my husband stays involved in our children's homeschooling?
Husbands make great teachers, too! While moms are usually the primary teachers in homeschooling families, dads can be a wonderful resource too. A supportive husband who wants to be involved and has the time to contribute can be a treat for the kids and a lifesaver for you.
Now that my toddler is more active, how can I provide my older daughter with the attention she needs to tackle more complex subjects requiring my assistance?
One of the most heart-felt challenges for families with more than one child is how to provide equal time and attention for everyone. This is especially difficult with a toddler in the house and even more so when you are homeschooling.
Now that we’re homeschooling, how should we structure our school year? Is it better to study more or less continuously with short breaks or to follow a more traditional schedule with longer vacations?
You have the luxury to experiment with your schedule. For some relaxed homeschoolers or unschoolers, structured schedules are unnecessary because lessons are part of day-to-day living and do not usually require advanced planning. However, for some families (and especially new homeschoolers), a structured schedule is an absolute necessity for organization and peace of mind!
Science in the Blink of an Eye
Help children develop a love for science or nurture their already growing interest with these simple experiments.
Reading to Your Kids - Kids and Reading
Make Readers of Your Future Leaders
Seven Benefits of Reading Fiction
Building the Unschooling or Homeschooling Village
Can a Single Parent Unschool?
Isn't “unschooling” just a fancy way of saying you ignore your children? Is that even legal?