My 18-month-old toddler wakes up twice per night to nurse. We sleep together, and we like it this way.
Many of my family and friends express sheer horror at learning of our situation, though, and my mother swears I will live to regret it. Will I? Am I doing something wrong?
Tips for Successful Family Beds
Sharing your bed with your children is by no means a new idea. In fact, most families worldwide sleep with their children. And if you’re one of the families whose young children sleep with you through choice, habit or when they are sick, there are things you can do to make your family bed a successful arrangement for everyone.
We’re expecting our first baby soon and thinking about using a family bed.
We’ve done a lot of research on the “whys” -- and there’s lots of information out there. But what about the practical tips? How do we set things up?
Using a Family Bed - Co Sleeping
In Western culture, it’s widely taught to “sleep teach” your children by placing them in a separate bed and even a separate room, so that they’ll learn to sleep on their own.
Checklist For Safe Cosleeping
The safety of bringing a baby into an adult bed has been the subject of much debate in modern society, especially recently.
Top 10 Uses For a Crib (other than sleeping!)
Whether you’ve bought a crib, asked for one or received one as a gift, you may one day step back from it and realize that this expensive hunk of wood or metal has served as anything but a crib.
Co-sleeping and the Media
The New York Times recently took the opportunity to provide us with some great news from a new study: Cosleeping in the US has doubled since 1993 --- But, while the NIH report was neutral in nature, the Times just couldn't bring themselves to show us what good news this statistic could be.
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Articles on Getting Kids To Sleep
My 6-month-old baby wakes up almost every hour to breastfeed.
My baby won't nap! She fights sleep but gets fussier and fussier as the day progresses.
Using White Noise While Babies Sleep
Write a Family Bestseller: “My Sleep Book”
Why Isn't She Sleeping at Night?
Natural Parenting
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When Your Parenting Comes Under Fire
Should Both Parents Work? Should One Stay at Home?
Playdates for Parents
Is it ok to spoil your kids?
Unplugging your family
Natural Fathering Articles
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Help For Overwhelmed Fathers
Natural Fathering - Save Memories of Your Children
Fathers, Tell Your Stories
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Parenting Stress
How to Help Your Marriage Survive a New Baby
When It’s More Than the “Baby Blues”
I Yelled at My Kids
My Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!
Others ....
Positive Parenting Articles
10 Reasons to Tell Your Kids Stories
Getting Kids to Organize Themselves
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Encourage Children to Play Naturally
Getting Your Kids to Cooperate
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Can There Be Too Much? - Attachment Parenting
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Caring vs. Caring Too Much
Learning All Day Long
Falling off the AP Wagon