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In the News: Flu Vaccines May Not Be Worth the Effort

By Lisa Poisso

According to new research published this week in Great Britain, flu vaccines may be far less effective than previously thought, and researchers believe that they may not be worth the cost and effort required to produce them. The British Medical Journal report indicates little clinical evidence that the vaccines reduce deaths significantly. (more…)

When Doctors Fire Their Patients

By Diane Selkirk

“You’re fired!” While this phrase may have become popular in some TV-show circles, it’s probably the last thing that a parent expects to hear during a routine visit to her child’s pediatrician. (more…)

Research Your Own Health Facts in Six Easy Steps

By Christine Climer

How many times have you read a health-related article and asked yourself, “I wonder if that’s really true?” I know I do all the time! There is just so much unreliable information floating around out there on the internet, on television and within the pages of books and magazines that it’s best to thoroughly evaluate everything you read and hear. (more…)

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate: Research the answers!

By Christine Climer

August is the perfect time of year for National Immunization Awareness Month: Parents are enrolling younger children in school, college students are getting ready for a new semester and health care providers are starting to plan ahead for flu season. (more…)

Posted: Babies & Toddlers , Vaccinations | August 29th, 2005 | 1 Comment »

The Facts on the Flu

From the National Vaccine Information Center

Become educated about the flu (and its benefits and risks) and the flu vaccine (and its benefits and risks). Make an informed decision after consulting multiple sources of information and discussing your questions with one or more health professionals. (more…)

Before You Vaccinate: Eight Questions to Ask

From the National Vaccine Information Center

1. Is my child sick right now?

2. Has my child had a bad reaction to a vaccine before? (more…)

Posted: Vaccinations | August 30th, 2004 | No Comments »

Sorting Out the MMR Hype

By Christine Climer

What’s the big deal about the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination? Can it really cause autism? Are the diseases it vaccinates against really so bad? Whose studies should you believe? (more…)

Posted: Vaccinations | August 30th, 2004 | No Comments »

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