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Attachment Parenting articles to motivate and support your choice to practice AP.

Bosom Buddies: Why dad should know the facts about breastfeeding.

By PT Staff


Everyone agrees that breast is best when it comes to feeding babies. But what does it take for a woman to decide to breast-feed her baby?

The biggest influence is her husband or boyfriend. (more…)

Surviving Pregnancy With a Toddler

By Bridgette Wagner

Surviving pregnancy with a toddler at home

Being pregnant while taking care of another child isn’t always easy — especially when that child is still pretty young herself. For mothers who are onto their second child, it can feel like an entire different experience from their first pregnancy. (more…)

Is Sex Better After Cesarean Deliveries?

From The Thinking Parent

There is no perineal trauma associated with cesarean delivery as opposed to vaginal delivery. For this reason, some speculate that (more…)

What We’re Reading: Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

By Lisa Poisso

There’s some wonderful, inspiring books out there for natural families! Parents-to-be will enjoy Deepak Chopra’s Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth. (more…)

Help Your Partner Support Breastfeeding

By Armin Brott

You know all about how great breastfeeding is, right? That it’s free, that it never runs out and that breastfed babies’ diapers don’t stink are major advantages.

But there’s a lot more. It gives you and your child a great opportunity to bond. (more…)

Q&A: How do we know if we’re ready to have another baby?

Question: How do we know if we’re ready to have another baby?

Elizabeth Pantley replies: Deciding whether to expand your family by one more - whether this would be your second child or your sixth - is one of the most significant decisions you will make in your lifetime. (more…)

Good Grandparenting Begins At Birth

By Carolynn Bauer Zorn

Have you been invited to attend the birth of your grandchild? Are you reluctant to go, or are you looking forward to it? (more…)

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