Get Your FREE Baby Website!
If you’re planning a family or have babies and young children already, you may have thought about setting up a baby web site, newborn baby announcemnet website, or what’s commonly known as baby photo websites.
We have an affordable option at Natural Family Online, just for you!
Partnering with Babababies, we’re able to offer you a FREE baby web site! Using the form and buttons below, you’ll be able to peruse links containing information about your baby website’s FREE features like:
• Child's Photo - change as often as you want.· Birth statistics and updated statistics.
• Your own personalized introduction/greetings page title.
• Exclusive! Add your own personal message with complete creative control over the font style, font size and color of text. Use special characters, bold, underline, italics, etc.
• Exclusive! Automatic Links to siblings websites.
• Upload all of your photos right from your computer to your website!
• You do not have to resize your photos. It's automatically done for you.
• Organize photos into an individual photo album of ten photos.
• Change your photos as often as you want.
• Add your own captions and edit at anytime.· No waiting. No hassle.
• In seconds, family & friends can view the latest pictures of your bundle of joy.
• Visitors can leave messages of their greetings and best wishes for you and your family.
• You can delete unwanted messages at anytime.
• Exclusive! Includes a random photo of your child everytime someone views a message.
• Record all your child's important "firsts" (first tooth, first smile, first step, etc.).
• Compare to national average.
• Preserve your child's early developmental milestones.
• Exclusive! Includes a random photo of your child everytime someone visits the page.
• Gives your website a personal touch.
• Record your child's personal growth, special events, new experiences, andyour little one's achievements.
• Exclusive! Includes a random photo of your child everytime someone visits the page.
• Share with family and friends what your child's favorite toys are, or TV shows, movies, songs, etc.
• Even their favorite way to touch your heart.
• Record changes as the child grows and matures.
• Exclusive! Includes a random photo of your child everytime someone visits the page.
And with your own CONTROL PANEL, family and friends will watch as your little one grows and changes. You can modify, add or delete content at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any where in the world.
And it's surprisedly easy! PLUS many more features too numerous to list, including PASSWORD PROTECTION and choice of BACKGROUND COLORS & THEMES (which you can change at any time).