Dogs and Kids: A Safe Mix?
Dogs and children are a perfect fit. They are what fond memories are made of and part of a joyful childhood. But sometimes tragedy does strike. What should you do to prevent an accidental attack?
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Pets and Kids: When Baby Makes Four
A curious and affectionate pet can unintentionally harm a baby. A child may be accidentally scratched or even dropped when a friendly dog jumps up on you to investigate. When the baby learns to crawl and then to walk, it enters a new phase, and your pet's view of the child may change.
Seizures in Pets - Pet Seizures - Dog Epilepsy
Cure Your Pet’s Ear Infections
Does Your Dog Have Food Allergies?
Don’t Feed This to Your Dog!
Special Treats for the Pampered Pet
Why Does My Pet Eat Grass? Make Your Own Too!