Internal Spring: Out With the Old, In With the New!
As most women know, if you let a house go without periodic cleanings, you will find that the furniture and walls lose their luster and brightness and will rot and need to be replaced. So too does our body -- trouble is, we don't have a replacement body.
Sweep Your Colon Clean: An Herbal Intestinal Broom
I make an “intestinal broom” blend which I call “Swamp Muck” for you Yanks (or “Muskeg Delight” for you Canucks) and have been using for years.
Ayurvedic Internal Cleansing for Good Health
Ayurvedic healers highly recommend periodic internal cleansing as a way to maintain good health and prevent disorders from taking root in the physiology. Just like you regularly flush out the plumbing system in your home or change the oil in your automobile engine, periodically helping your body flush toxins out thoroughly is a good maintenance technique that will help organs and systems stay more efficient for a longer period of time.
Candida: Restoring Balance with Ayurveda
Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that lives in the mouth and throat, the intestinal tract and the genital tract. Normally, the population of candida is in healthy balance with other intestinal flora. However, sometimes its population explodes because of various factors such as an improper diet, bursts of intense stress or ongoing low-grade stress that isn't managed effectively combined with poor sleep/exercise routines or antibiotics or oral contraceptives.