Question: I had a really hard time breastfeeding my son. From the start, things just did not work out -- even after hundreds of dollars for a lactation consultant and months of pain, frustration and tears. Now I am pregnant again and am wondering if it will be the same experience as the first. Do you have any advice for me?
Karen Prior responds: Sounds like you had a tough breastfeeding experience from the start. I completely understand that you would not want to repeat that again!
Before you totally rule out breastfeeding this time, you might want to give it a try and see what happens. Just as each pregnancy is different, each baby is different and nurses differently. Many women who have had terrible first experiences have much easier times with the next child.
I know from personal experience that it really helps to have a support system, both at home with your partner and family as well as with a group of friends that are also breastfeeding. Many women turn to La Leche League for this type of support. LLL offers free telephone support for problems and have monthly support meetings all over the world. I recommend attending a meeting or two while you are still pregnant so you can get some suggestions on troubleshooting and getting breastfeeding off to a good start.
Birth choices and medications such as epidurals and labor induction as well as long labors and even pacifier use can affect a baby’s ability to latch on correctly at first. Educating yourself on these subjects can help you to make informed decisions and evaluate the risks and benefits associated with these factors. Check out the La Leche League web site for detailed research and information on these topics.
And finally, remember that if it doesn't work out you can still be a nurturing mom with a bottle!
© Karen Prior.
Karen Prior’s impressive breadth of knowledge in the therapeutic uses of yoga, nutrition and prenatal fitness is backed by solid credentials: she is a registered yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance, a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, a clinical nutritionist and a retired La Leche League leader. Karen runs a Registered Yoga School, where she offers specialized training in prenatal yoga and yoga for children through her programs MamasteYoga and Let'sPlayYoga. Karen lives in Texas with her husband and young daughter.
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