Safe, Non-Toxic Treatments for Head Lice
By Wayne McDonald
If you are like most parents, you want a safe and effective treatment for head lice. Most treatments are toxic and are not recommended for toddlers.
Here are three different treatments from parents. This is not medical advice; please check with your doctor if you have any concerns.
Treatment #1
Combine 1/2 teaspoon each of eucalyptus, pennyroyal and rosemary. Then add 2-1/2 tablespoons of pure olive oil. An adult needs to try the mixture on his own skin first to make sure it doesn't burn. If it does, add more olive oil.
After washing your child's hair with very hot water (as hot as the child can stand), comb the oil mixture through hair with a regular comb (the throw-away kind). Then using a flea comb, comb out any nits or eggs. Tie a cotton scarf around your child's head and leave on overnight. It may tingle; if it burns, wash it out immediately, dilute the mixture and try again.
The next morning, wash your child’s hair with a good tea tree shampoo. This should take care of the lice; however, repeat the treatment if necessary. To prevent lice (when it has been reported in your child's school), rub tea tree oil or sassafras oil into the scalp.
Treatment #2
A natural alternative to killing head lice is to use mayonnaise. Cover the entire scalp and hair with mayonnaise, cover with plastic wrap and leave on about half an hour. Shampoo and remove all the nits or eggs.
Treatment #3
For best effectiveness, use a safe, pure soap like Botanic GOLD™ (not Botanic Insecticidal Soap) and carefully follow the directions below. Every step is important.
On a dry head, start at the nape of the neck along the hairline and apply soap around the head, saturating the hair as you go. Move toward the crown, where the hair is tied up. Remove the clips or ponytail and continue to apply the soap, using enough to completely saturate the hair.
Massage the head, work into a lather and then comb through the hair to ensure complete coverage (use a metal, regular-toothed comb). Wrap or tie the hair back up on top of the head. Wait 30 to 40 minutes, massaging the hair every 10 minutes or so. Do not rinse or allow to dry. Reapply if necessary to keep moist.
The next morning, wash your child’s hair with a good tea tree shampoo. This should take care of the lice; however, repeat the treatment if necessary. To prevent lice (when it has been reported in your child's school), rub tea tree oil or sassafras oil into the scalp.
Sanitation instructions for all treatments
Lice are highly contagious and it is extremely important that they be eliminated as quickly and completely as possible. When lice are first detected, it is wise to launder everything with which the infected person has come in contact. Use hot water and a non-toxic liquid soap.
© Wayne McDonald
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