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The report's key finding: Formula DOUBLES THE DEATH RATE for American infants.

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Raising Emotionally Intelligent Sons

By Mark Brandenburg
"Mommy, I fell down," said the 5-year-old to his mother during a recent soccer practice. "Were you tough?" asked his mom. "Yeah," he said and walked away with his head down. 02/04

Get Your Toddler to Cooperate!
By Elizabeth Pantley

It’s delightful to see how a potentially negative situation can be turned into a fun experience by changing a child’s focus to fantasy. 02/01/04

Teaching our Children:
Show Me the Way
By Mark Brandenburg

I came to the conclusion that something must be done. My children would learn the important values of giving and generosity by actually doing it. 02/04

“Yes Days”: Tips for Creating Fulfilling and Struggle-Free Days
By Ginger Carlson
Families can work towards getting past some of these struggles by building connections, directing energy and discipline tactics inward, trying to understand each other better and having yes days of their own. 02/01/04

Top 10 Common Sense Rules for Fathers
By Mark Brandenburg

To be an effective father, you can skip most of them and concentrate on common sense rules that have always worked. They won't always make you the most popular dad, but they'll always be effective. 01/01/04

Getting Your Kids to Cooperate
By Elizabeth Pantley

Getting your kids to cooperate is the number one complaint of parents around the globe. It’s a biggie, purely because there are so many things we must get our kids to do (or not do!). 12/01/03

Empathetic Grandparenting
By Jan Hunt

In recent years, we have finally begun to extend rights and freedoms to children. What does our struggle for children's rights mean for grandparents, who were raised in such different times? One outcome is that children are no longer seen as property to be manipulated through threats and punishment to meet the needs of their parents and grandparents. 12/01/03

The Dangers of Holding Therapy
By Jan Hunt
Holding therapy is a practice described and recommended in the book Holding Time by Martha Welch. It consists of forced holding by a therapist or parent until the child stops resisting or until a fixed time period has elapsed; sometimes the child is not released until there is eye contact. Although this technique was initially intended for autistic adults, it has also been used for autistic children, teenagers and younger children with "attachment disorders" and infants with "residual birth trauma." 12/01/03


Let's Play Yoga - A yoga program for children between the ages of 2 and 6. Teacher training and home-study courses available.
Operation Special Delivery offers doula services to military spouses
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"The media have become the mainstream culture in children's lives. Parents have become the alternative. Americans once expected parents to raise their children in accordance with the dominant cultural messages. Today they are expected to raise their children in opposition to it."
-- Ellen Goodman, Boston Globe columnist

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