Create a stress plan!

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This is when it starts: holiday stress. Most people don’t think about actively managing stress. Instead we suffer through it and hope for the best. Instead you can do a lot just by coming up with a plan and giving yourself specific guidance. If you can anticipate stress, you are more likely to get ahead of it and stop it before it starts.

Step One: Set a Goal

Determine your goals to reduce stress. Keep it simple; a single sentence will do. Something like “I want to keep my cool during pressure situations”. Focus on what you want to achieve or what you want to avoid.

Step Two: Acknowledge your Triggers

What sets off your stress reaction? Be honest with your triggers no matter how big (your family) or small (the toilet that won’t stop running).

Step Three: Your Strategies

After listing the triggers, prioritize them. Put the ones at the top of the list that evoke the greatest discomfort for you. Do you clench, tense up, grind your teeth, exhale, get nauseous? List those triggers first. Next to each one, suggest a way to deal with it: go for a walk, confront the culprit with words (“I’d prefer to eat out”) or actions (fix that toilet), deep breathing, etc. You could use the same technique for all your stressors or find different ones which work each occasion individually. Whatever works for you.

Step Four: Write and Review a Stress Journal

Keep your notes in one place. Review them often and make adjustments as you learn more about what sets you off and how you successfully handle it. Celebrate as you confront your triggers and disempower them, but be patient. New behaviors take time to establish.

Source: Katherine Raymond/Alere


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What does your weekly dinner look like?
The whole family dines together at home
The whole family dines together at a restaurant
Parents and children eat separately
Whoever is around eats together
Every family member for themselves!
Total votes: 6380