What if they gave an ObamaParty...

And no one came? The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), in its headlong rush towards obsolescence, has a brilliant idea - to form:

"a new working group comprised of state insurance commissioners in order to create a forum for the many states that ... are not adhering to the formal state health care exchange implementation path outlined in [ObamaCare]."

This is a high-profile, highly volatile issue, one which needs to be approached with seriousness of purpose.

Oh, one slight wrinkle:

"There are no members yet, but the NAIC is going to circulate a notice to see who wants to join."

Rotsa ruck with that, fellas.


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The whole family dines together at home
The whole family dines together at a restaurant
Parents and children eat separately
Whoever is around eats together
Every family member for themselves!
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