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Pizza Getting Cold
A successful pizza restaurant owner wants to expand and open a new restaurant but is putting off plans because of Obamacare.
"I want to open a new restaurant, but without knowing how Obamacare will affect me, I can't make plans," Nichols said at a recent community forum in Beaumont on the new Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act.
With property purchased and blueprints drawn, Nichols said her building is now on hold because she can’t determine how to budget for Obama’s mandate.
Those who do not offer health insurance will have to pay a tax of $2,000 per employee.
Nichols has 85 Beaumont area employees set up on a private carrier insurance plan and matches the $90 a month each worker pays with $90 to cover the entire premium."
That's the cost if I continue to provide insurance. So I have two options, I can stop offering coverage and pay the $2,000 fine, or I could keep my number of staff under 50 so the mandate doesn't apply.
“Tens of thousands of kids have been sent to college, families have been started and careers have begun," Nichols added. "Now, a long and productive career is about to be destroyed by slavery instead of being rewarded with retirement."Nicholas said in 2011 she had to pay 87.49 percent of her income to federal income, state franchise tax, and property tax.
"Now add to that sales tax, phone tax, trash tax, water tax, gasoline tax, payroll tax and other taxes ad naseum," she continued.
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