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How to Get the Most Out of Family Dinners
Last week’s video takes a look at the benefits of dinnertime and what it is we should model during dinner. This video that will follow gives you the tools to make it happen. Even if you’ve only got 20 minutes and one parent available, you CAN teach your kids dinnertime rituals that will make them happier people. Seriously!
If you are reading this post in an email, click here to view the video. Enjoy!
The first video in this series is The Psychology of Success. The second is Achievement Doesn’t Matter. The third teaches more about the Right Way to Praise Kids. The fourth is Let Your Kids Fail. The fifth is How Not to Raise an Ungrateful Brat. The sixth is Family Meals are Hugely Important . This is the seventh video in the series.
© 2012 Christine Carter, Ph.D. This video originally appeared in March 2008.
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