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Hide-and-seek with the MVNHS©
Wait, you didn't know that these existed? Well, the Much Vaunted National Health System© doesn't want you (or especially their own
"Private Medical Insurance also known as PMI allows you to have complete reassurance of knowing that, should the need arise you and your family can receive medical treatment privately, without waiting for the [MVNHS©] to treat you."
Well, that cat's apparently well out of the bag, as John Fund reports on the opening "ceremonies" of the 2012 Summer Olympics:
"600 doctors and patients recruited from National Health Service hospitals were featured in a bizarre tribute to socialized medicine, with children bouncing up and down on 320 hospital beds arrayed in front of a giant Franken-baby wrapped in bandages ... One of the core values of our society is that it doesn’t matter who you are, you will get treated the same in terms of health care.” [emphasis added]
Well, there's some truth to that, if by "care" you mean "death."
But the truth is out there, and British citizens are wising up to it:
"British papers report that a study by the research firm Lloyd’s TSB Premier Banking found that nearly two-thirds of Britons earning more than $78,700 a year have taken out private health insurance because they don’t trust the [MVNHS©]."
Most of those are apparently afraid of infections from "super bugs" increasingly present in the Brits' great health "care" system. They also know that when the government is in charge of health care, that care is going to be rationed.
But don't just take my word for it:
"A 2007 survey of almost 1,000 physicians by Doctors’ Magazine found that ... one in five doctors knew patients who had suffered as a result of treatment rationing."
Bread and circuses, and health "care."

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