5 reasons to say good bye to summer


Most people love summer. For many other parents, it’s hell. I run into other moms who wish summer would last longer. That’s not my summer.

With three children, my idyllic vision of playing in water sprinklers and riding bikes all over town is not to be. So I’m going to narrow down five reasons why summer ending is a good thing to help those of you who are sad that’s over.

1. School puts the kids back on schedule and gives them a sense of regularity.

No more staying up late and sleeping in. Eating lunch at 3pm and wondering what day it is.

2. Summer is purposeless; children don’t have a sense of responsibility.

Back in the day summer use to be a time for real responsibility by harvesting the crops and helping families. I know a summer of freedom can be a good thing but after nine weeks the lazy days of summer can create children who are just that: lazy. School provides a sense of purpose and responsibility.

3. Summer is expensive.

You have to pay for the water coming out of that water sprinkler. As a single working mom, my kids need summer camps or babysitters. Camps average $300 per child per week. Babysitters run about $15 per hour. School is free.

4. Kids are home all day leaving the house a mess.

I come home to find children stew. They little marinate in their kid stuff all day and coming home from work, means coming home to work.

5. Kids go MIA in summer.

I realize one of the benefits of a small town is security, but when my kids don’t answer their phone or their sitter says they are running wild at the beach, my heart skips a beat. I have to have faith in forces greater than myself. I’d rather have faith in the fence around their campus and the sharp eyes of the staff.

Happy end of summer everyone!


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The whole family dines together at a restaurant
Parents and children eat separately
Whoever is around eats together
Every family member for themselves!
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