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8 ways to get active on a budget
During tough economic times, dropping that gym membership is one easy way people save money. But you want to stay fit and active, so what can you do? Lots of things!
Run or walk in the neighborhood.
Discipline may be the toughest part so find a friend or neighbor and make a plan to go together.
Explore a park.
Ride a bike, walk, jog, even skateboard through a new or local park. Make discovering new parks part of your summer fun.
Try going old school.
Jumping jack, push-ups, squats and sit ups, done quickly can increase your heart rate and burn calories. Mix it into a workout with aerobics and this will be more challenging than you think.
Ramp up housework.
Challenge yourself to do the jobs quickly and with built in stretches. Lunge with the vacuum, go up and down the step stool to dust, work out those arms when dusting and polishing.
Play with your children.
Touch football is a favorite at our house – or even a game of tag will get that heart rate up.
Try a new exercise video.
And don’t forget you can check these out at the library. Even instructional video for belly dancing or the latest dance craze.
Music can motivate.
Turn on the music while preparing lunch and when that favorite song comes on - take a break to dance your heart rate up.
Explore fitness channels.
If you subscribe to cable you may have more access to fitness than you realize. Cruise the channels and see what you find to inspire you. It’s all designed for home use.
“So many people have a perception that exercise has to be structured or that you have to be on a certain program or spend x amount of dollars to be effective. The key is just to move more and to have fun while you are doing it – and that can be achieved without spending much at all!” said exercise physiologist Gina Cortese Shipley.
Source: Susan Stuck for Alere

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