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Bath Time Magic for Kids
Submitted by Courtney on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 00:07

Kicking, screaming, WAILING – all because it was our 7:30pm bath time and he just wasn't having it.
“C'mon, bud. In the tub,” I say, the lack of enthusiasm in my voice absolutely unmistakable. This usually only invokes more fight, more kicks, more struggles to be freed from my arms. After a long day at work, this is hardly how I wanted to end my night. Bath time was a horrid chore that both my child and I loathed every night.
One day I realized how much little time I actually had to spend with my child. We woke up every day, ate breakfast, but then he was in daycare and I was at work. I didn't even see my son between 8:30am and 5:30pm – and his bedtime was at 8pm! That left me with very few, precious hours every night and here I was, combating him over a bath. I knew this had to change. Bath time should be a time where both parents and children can unwind and enjoy one another. I decided to add a bit of “magic” to bath time to transform it from a stressful time to a relaxing, bonding time. Here's how I mastered it:
Make the Bathroom Kid-Friendly
Many washrooms are dull or are very adult-oriented. Try making one washroom in your home the “kids'” washroom, or if you have one washroom in your home add some kiddie décor. You can put up pictures decorations, or even put in a different colored light bulb for bath time (that alone worked wonders for my son!).
Get Age Appropriate Toys
Age appropriate toys are a must in the tub. Younger children are happy with anything that floats, but 4 year old children aren't as easily entertained by a floating bottle and a wash cloth. Try picking different toys with your child next time you're out, adding safe food coloring to the water, or even blowing bubbles while your child is in the tub.
Get Musical
Try putting on some good classical tunes or some songs from your child's “favorite” list while they're in the tub. You can both sing along and have fun!
Bath times are also a great way to get in that reading time with your kids. My kids particularly enjoyed listening to Edgar Allan Poe poetry of all things while they splashed around in the tub and could recite several lines from “The Raven” by the time they were 4 years old!
If all else fails, try also adding some shaving foam to the bath and having shaving foam competitions. I guarantee you that one of the above – if not all – will allow both you and your child to have a happier bath time experience!
photo by Chrissi Nerantzi

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