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Where To Turn For Breastfeeding Information

Posted: Breastfeeding » Breast Benefits | July 1st, 2004



By Kerry Luskey

No one is filled with more questions than a new mother. Suddenly, there’s a whole new life that she’s responsible for – a grunting, squawking, crying, pooping new life. It’s hard to know where to turn for reliable advice.

Do you consult the book your coworker gave you at your baby shower? Do you take the well-meaning but dubious advice from your mother-in-law? Or do you rely on the expert advice of your neighbor, who raised five kids 20 years ago?

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Most new moms automatically assume the information given to her by her trusted pediatrician is the final word in all things parenting, but is she really well-served by taking this advice? Unfortunately, when it comes to breastfeeding, the advice given by many health care professionals might not actually be the best, most up-to-date information out there.

Most health care professionals are not formally trained in breastfeeding education. Instead, when giving breastfeeding advice and information to new moms, they often rely on their own personal experiences and biases — and even more dangerous, information given to them by pharmaceutical representatives who are employed by formula manufacturers. Many of the more common myths about scheduling feedings, supplementation and the need to wean are perpetuated by the mother’s or baby’s doctor.

Sources that count

So how does a mom discern good information from bad, and where should she go to know she’s receiving reliable, up-to-date information about breastfeeding?

First, never hesitate to get a second opinion, especially if the advice is to wean. There are very few situations where weaning is the only, or the best option (see “Commonsense Answers to Common Breastfeeding Myths”).

All health care providers are not created equal, especially when it concerns breastfeeding. While some doctors and nurses may have knowledge and training on breastfeeding issues, only board-certified lactation consultants are required to have a minimum amount of training and expertise in breastfeeding issues. A lactation consultant should have the initials IBCLC after her name, which designates that she is board-certified. You can locate a local IBCLC at the International Lactation Consultant Association’s website.

La Leche League is also a reliable source of breastfeeding information. You can find a local La Leche League Leader by contacting 1-800-LaLeche or by visiting their web site.

Myths and misinformation about breastfeeding are rampant. You don’t have to know all the answers in order to successfully breastfeed your child, but as long as you know where you can turn for reliable, up-to-date-information and support, you can rest assured that your breastfeeding relationship will be a long and satisfying one.

© Kerry Luskey

Kerry Luskey is a breastfeeding counselor, nursing student, herbalist.

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